What DaaS Means for You

DaaS stands for Device as a Service. But it could also stand for Delight as a Service, because DaaS delights everyone by placing THE most current hardware and software at their fingertips. It makes obsolescence a thing of the past. It improves overall productivity. It bundles all of the services you need to maintain and support your devices into a single, budget-friendly, monthly subscription. DaaS is your future!

What DaaS Means for You published by Jacster Technology, LLC

Jäcster Technology was started to help organizations with and without technology support staff maximize efficiency and reduce downtime. This way they can focus on reaching their goals instead of worrying about their technology. We help our clients RETHINK TECHNOLOGY by providing proactive monitoring and management of all technology resources, both on premise and in the cloud. While other technology companies may only focus on technology, Jäcster becomes an extension of the organization by rethinking how that technology is used in order to have more successful organization. Jäcster Technology partners with some of the leading technology companies to provide expert support for their customers.